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Egypt Revolution 2011 Summary

First: The events since the beginning

January 2011: Activists in Egypt's call for revolt to protest poverty and unemployment and government corruption and the rule of President Hosni Mubarak, who was in power for three decades.
January 25: On a national holiday to celebrate the police force go out thousands of Egyptians took to the streets in large numbers and calling it a "Day of Anger".
Thousands in central Cairo, heading towards the headquarters of the ruling National Democratic Party, as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the state television. Reported similar protests in other cities across the country.
A few hours after police fired tear gas and water cannons against demonstrators shouting  Mubarak Down in Cairo's Tahrir Square.
Protests erupt in the city of Alexandria and the Nile Delta cities of Tanta and Mansoura and cities in the south of Aswan, Assiut
Hours after the protests began throughout the country, the Interior Ministry issued a statement blaming the Muslim Brotherhood and the Muslim Brotherhood denies this.
Organizers of the protest Egypt depends heavily on social media like Facebook and Twitter.
Egyptian Minister of Interior says it has killed three protesters and police during demonstrations against the government.

January 26:  killing of demonstrators and a police officer in central Cairo - anti-government protesters pelted security forces with stones and petrol bombs for a second day, according to witnesses
 Police used tear gas and water cannons and batons to disperse demonstrators in Cairo. Witnesses say also fired live bullets into the air.
In Suez, the scene of bloody clashes the previous day, the police and demonstrators clash again. 
Medical personnel in the Suez to say that wounded 55 of the demonstrators and the police 15. 
Robert Gibbs, a spokesman for Barack Obama, President of the United States, and tell the reporters that the government must "prove their ability to respond to the people of Egypt" by recognizing their "universal rights".
Amr Moussa, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, and says he believes that "Arab citizens are angry, frustrated. "

January 27: Mohamed ElBaradei, former President of the International Agency for Atomic Energy, and arrive to Egypt to join the protests.
ElBaradei says he is ready to "leadership transition" in Egypt if asked to do so.
At the same time, the protests continued across several cities. Hundreds were arrested, but the protesters say they will not give up until their demands were met.Clash with police in the neighborhoods of Cairo. Violence also raged in the city of Suez again, while in the northern Sinai region of Zuid-Sheikh, and several hundreds of Bedouins and police exchange of live fire, killing a man 17 years.
In Ismailia, hundreds of protesters clashed with police.
Lawyers stage protests in the city of Alexandria overlooking the Mediterranean and the city Tookh in the Nile Delta, north of Cairo.

January 28"Friday Anger"Close the Internet and mobile in Egypt as the country prepares for a new wave of protests after Friday prayers.
The Associated Press that he was an elite force to combat terrorism, especially at strategic points all over Cairo in the hours before the planned protests.
The Egyptian Interior Ministry also warns taking "decisive action".
At the same time, a lawyer for the opposition Muslim Brotherhood says that arrested 20 members of the group is officially banned overnight.

Egypt is still on the edge of the abyss, and the police and protesters in a clash in all parts of the country.
 A tenth civilians killed in Suez and wounding 170. There were no reports of deaths in Cairo. Access to wound at least 1030 people of the country.
 Declaration of curfew and the withdrawal of security forces and police from all over the country (the plot of the system) and Dissemination of thugs all over the country to stir up panic among the citizens and stop the demonstrations in this way
 Riots continue throughout the night, until Mubarak announced that it would sack the government's resignation. Mubarak refuses to step aside. Where he is unknown.

January 29: Egyptian soldiers secure the "Egyptian Museum" famous Museum of Archaeology in Cairo early on Saturday, and the protection of thousands of artifacts which are priceless, including the golden mask of Tutankhamun, from thieves. 
The greatest threat to the Egyptian Museum, which go to him millions of tourists each year, comes from a fire that swept the headquarters of the ruling party in the house next door the night of 28, the fire set by anti-government protesters.
Thousands of anti-government protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square in their position, although troops from firing shots in the air in an attempt to disperse them.
 Hosni Mubarak for the first time in three decades he spent in power to appoint a Deputy Chairman. Now the man second in command, Omar Suleiman, head of Egyptian intelligence, who worked closely with President Mubarak during most of his reign.
In a statement issued in Berlin on Saturday, said the leaders of Britain, France and Germany were "deeply concerned about the events in Egypt." 
He said the Gulf Cooperation Council, a bloc of economic and political development of countries in the Gulf on Sunday he wanted a "stable Egypt". 
And advised the American Embassy in Cairo all Americans at the present time to think about to leave Egypt as soon as possible, given the unrest. British authorities have been advised not to travel only to the need for this country to its citizens. 
Turkey: he plans to send planes to evacuate its citizens. 

30 January: Thousands of anti-government protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square in their position
The continuation of demonstrations across the country after the withdrawal of police

January 31: President Hosni Mubarak continues to refuse to step down, amid growing calls for his resignation. Demonstrators continue to defy the curfew imposed by the military. Is still collecting thousands of people in Tahrir Square in Cairo and Alexandria. 
Access to the Internet via Egypt is still bad and according to most reports. 
Promised by President Hosni Mubarak, the new deputy in the work of a strong dialogue with the opposition in order to proceed with constitutional reforms.
Still camped in Tahrir hawks from a variety of demographic and political groups.

White House says that the Egyptian government must deal with its people to resolve the current turmoil.
Opposition groups continue to call for the "million man march", and a general strike on Tuesday to commemorate the One week since the start of the protest movement. At the same time, repeating that the army will not try to hurt protestors.

Also, around 350,000 protesters gather around Tahrir Square in Cairo on Monday, President Mubarak asked the new prime minister, Ahmed Shafik, to start talks with the opposition.
EU calls for the holding of free and fair elections in Egypt.
Investors all over the world still pull significant capital from Egypt amid rising unrest.
Mubarak announces his new cabinet on television, including, Mahmoud Wagdy, was sworn in as interior minister.
Egypt frees six journalists from Al-Jazeera who were arrested in the Egyptian capital, Cairo.
The Egyptian movie star Omar Sharif, known for his role in Lawrence of Arabia, his voice to those who call for Mubarak to step down.
Israel urges world to ease criticism of Mubarak amid turmoil to maintain stability in the region, and reports of the newspaper Haaretz quoted senior Israeli officials.
President Mubarak says the new prime minister, Ahmed Shafiq maintain subsidies and lower prices.
Al Jazeera says the broadcast signal in all parts of the Arab region faces interference on a scale never before experienced.

February 1: Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, announced in a televised address that he would not run for re-election but has refused to resign from office
Mubarak promised amendments to the Constitution, especially Article 76, which makes it almost impossible for independent candidates to run for office. He said his government will focus on improving the economy and providing employment opportunities.
Said Mohamed ElBaradei, the Egyptian opposition, who returned to Cairo to participate in the protests, Mubarak vowed not to stand again for the presidency was an act of deception.
Abdel Halim Kandil, the leader of an opposition movement adequacy (adequacy), says that the offer of President Mubarak's rejection of the term of the sixth head of state was not enough.
President Barack Obama in a speech at the White House praised the Egyptian army to patriotism and to allow peaceful demonstrations. He said that the Egyptian people can just select their leaders.

February 2: the start of preparations for another day of demonstrations against the regime of President Hosni Mubarak. The army is still deployed with tanks throughout the various positions in and around the box.
Google speak2tweet improve the technology of the people in Egypt.
Clashes between anti-government and pro-Mubarak protesters in Alexandria.
The Internet services at least partially restored after an interruption in Cairo for five days, aimed to thwart protests against the regime of Hosni Mubarak.
Egypt said the newly appointed vice-president said anti-government protests must be stopped before it starts a dialogue with opposition groups.

Deadly clashes erupted on Wednesday on Tahrir Square in central Cairo. Was up to 1500 people, some in critical condition, and by the end of the day have been reported for at least three deaths, citing officials.

February 3: demonstrations in favor of President Mubarak and other opposition and the spread of thugs, leaving on the impact of 5 dead and many wounded

February 4: Hundreds of thousands of anti-government protesters gather in Tahrir Square in Cairo about what they have called "the day of departure. "
 Hosni Mubarak slogans urging the immediate departure

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